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- 设置依据(表单来源)
I. This form is applicable to non-resident enterprise income taxpayer who receives international transport income sourced in China, and claims treaty benefits under the article of international transport of a Double Taxation Agreement (DTA, including the DTAs with Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions) or an International Transport Agreement (ITA) signed by China.
II. This form can be used for self-declaration or withholding declaration, as well as for the non-resident taxpayer’s application for tax refund. The non-resident taxpayer initiating the self-declaration for claiming tax treaty or international transport agreement benefits, or applying for tax refund, shall complete two copies of the form: one form is to be submitted to the in-charge tax authority at the time of such declaration or application, and the other form is to be kept by the non-resident taxpayer. Where the non-resident taxpayer’s China sourced income is subject to withholding tax, administered at source or by means of a designated withholding agent, and the non-resident taxpayer is entitled to tax treaty or international transport agreement benefits, the latter shall complete three copies of the form: one is to be given to the withholding agent to submit to the in-charge tax authority at the time of the withholding declaration, one is to be kept by the withholding agent and another is to be kept by the non-resident taxpayer.
III. Part I of the form shall be filled in by the withholding agent, and will not be required in the case of self-declaration. The rest of the form shall be filled in by the non-resident taxpayer. When filling in the form, the non-resident taxpayer can attach separate sheets to the form if necessary.
IV. The non-resident taxpayer shall provide accurate and complete information to answer the questions contained in the form. Please write “N/A”in the form if a situation described in a question is not applicable for a non-resident taxpayer. For a multiple-choice question, please mark “√” in a corresponding box (“□”) or circle (“○”) for a choice that fits a non-resident taxpayer’s situation. If a non-resident taxpayer’s situation falls into the description of a question marked with “*”, answers shall be provided; otherwise, it can be skipped.
V. This form is prepared in Chinese and English. In case of divergence in the two languages, the Chinese text shall prevail. Unless otherwise stated, it shall be completed in Chinese.
VI.Instructions on how to fill in each item are as follows:
(I) Basic Information of Withholding Agent
- 扣缴义务人名称:由扣缴义务人填写税务登记证所载扣缴义务人的全称。
Name of withholding agent: The withholding agent should provide its full name as shown in its tax registration certificate.
- 扣缴义务人纳税人识别号:由扣缴义务人填写扣缴义务人税务登记证上注明的“纳税人识别号”。
Tax identification number of withholding agent: The withholding agent should provide its identification number as shown in the tax registration certificate.
(II) Basic Information of Non-resident Taxpayer
Chinese name of non-resident taxpayer: Fill in the full Chinese name used by the non-resident taxpayer in China.
- 非居民纳税人在居民国(地区)名称:填写非居民纳税人在其居民国(地区)的英文全称。
Name of non-resident taxpayer in resident state (region): Fill in the full English name of the non-resident taxpayer which is used in the non-resident taxpayer’s state (region) of residence.
Type of applicable agreement: Please select based on the type of applicable tax treaty or ITA to be enjoyed, and fill in Part III or Part IV accordingly.
(III) Information Related to Entitlement to the Benefits under Tax Treaty
Question 2, “Please describe the international transport activities undertaken by non-resident taxpayer. If the income obtained by the non-resident taxpayer contains the income arising from the activities affiliated to the international transport, please describe the types of activities affiliated to the international transport in detail.”: For example, income derived from engaging in freight transport by ship, income derived from engaging in passenger transport by ship, rental income derived from leasing ships on charter fully equipped, rental income derived from leasing ships on a bare boat basis, rental income derived from lease of container, income derived rom selling passenger tickets for others, income derived from transporting passengers from downtown to airport, etc.
Question 4, “The situation of transport routes and ports of call alongside”: Please list out the operation routes and all the ports of call where the passengers, goods and mails are transported within the territory of China.
(IV) Information Related to Entitlement to the Benefits under Other International Transport Agreement
Question 5, “The name of the applicable ITA”: Please fill in the full name of applicable ITA.
- 问题6,请引述纳税人需享受国际运输协定的相关法律条文:请写明法律条文所属法律法规名称和条款序号,并引述相关法律条文。
Question 6, “Please list out the relevant article under which the taxpayer would be entitled to enjoy the treatment under ITA”: Please specify the name of the article and its serial number as well as quote the content of relevant articles.
Question 7, “Please briefly state the facts based on which the taxpayer could claim for the treatment under ITA”: Please fill in the specific facts based on which the taxpayer could be entitled to enjoy relevant ITA.
Question 8, “The situation of transport routes and ports of call alongside”: Please list out the operation routes and all the ports of call where the passengers, goods and mails were transported within the territory of China.
(V) Income Received of the Same Type and Benefits Claimed under Tax Treaty or ITA by Non-resident Taxpayer
Question 9, “Has the non-resident taxpayer received any income of the same type sourced in other regions within China over the past three years?”: If the non-resident taxpayer has any income of the same type sourced in other regions within China over the past three years, and this is under the jurisdiction of a different in-charge tax authority, “Yes” shall be selected, and Question 10 and 11 shall be answered. Please specify all tax treaty or international transport agreement benefits claimed by the non-resident taxpayer for any income of the same type sourced in other regions within China over the past three years in Question 11. Supporting materials can be attached separately.
(VI) List of Documents Attached
Non-resident taxpayer can provide, on a voluntary basis, other materials to justify the non-resident taxpayer’s entitlement to the tax treaty or international transport agreement benefits. When providing such materials, please identify all of them on the list.
(VII) Additional Notes
Non-resident taxpayer can provide other information that the non-resident taxpayer believes should be considered by the in-charge tax authority and may be beneficial to justify the non-resident taxpayer’s entitlement to the tax treaty or international transport agreement benefits. Please specify the special situations in the additional notes, if any.
(VIII) Declaration
The declaration shall be sealed by the non-resident taxpayer, and/or signed by the legal representative or authorized representative of the non-resident enterprise, and the date of the statement shall be provided.
VII. Any information and materials provided by the non-resident taxpayer will be kept confidential by China’s tax authorities.
流程编号 | 流程名称 | 电子表单编号 | 电子表单名称 |
031011 | 非居民企业享受税收协定待遇办理 | 031011014 | 《非居民纳税人享受税收协定待遇情况报告表(企业所得税D表)》 |